English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "cinyewa" ita ce tuƙi, turawa ko tilasta wani ya ɗauki mataki ko yin wani abu. Hakanan yana iya nufin turawa ko tura wani abu gaba. Sau da yawa ana amfani da shi don bayyana yanayin da wani ya ji an tilasta shi ko kuma ya yi wani abu, yawanci saboda tasiri ko matsi daga waje.


  1. driven

Sentence Examples

  1. The Monte Pincio seemed a vast amphitheatre filled with spectators the balconies of the two churches at the corner of the Via del Babuino and the Via di Ripetta were crammed the steps even seemed a parti-colored sea, that was impelled towards the portico every niche in the wall held its living statue.
  2. The casual curiosity that impelled him to follow the maiden paled in comparison to the dread he saw in her eyes.
  3. Late in the day they passed through the capricious channels of Hong Kong, and the Tankadere, impelled by favourable winds, conducted herself admirably.
  4. Finally she decided upon what was the worse course for her, to remain, resolving not to fly from the presence of Lothario, that she might not give food for gossip to her servants and she now began to regret having written as she had to her husband, fearing he might imagine that Lothario had perceived in her some lightness which had impelled him to lay aside the respect he owed her but confident of her rectitude she put her trust in God and in her own virtuous intentions, with which she hoped to resist in silence all the solicitations of Lothario, without saying anything to her husband so as not to involve him in any quarrel or trouble and she even began to consider how to excuse Lothario to Anselmo when he should ask her what it was that induced her to write that letter.
  5. What impelled Curtius to plunge into the deep burning gulf that opened in the midst of Rome?
  6. Every thing was to take its natural course, however, neither impelled nor assisted.
  7. I opened it with fear and trepidation, persuaded that it must be something serious that had impelled her to write to me when at a distance, as she seldom did so when I was near.
  8. But necessity impelled him, nevertheless, to renew his acquaintance with the worthy servant, as will be seen.
  9. What impelled him to this step we know not, whether it was distaste for the career before him, or purely military enthusiasm.
  10. In an instant he was placed in the stern-sheets of the boat, between the gendarmes, while the officer stationed himself at the bow a shove sent the boat adrift, and four sturdy oarsmen impelled it rapidly towards the Pilon.