English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "imbibe" ita ce sha (musamman barasa), sha ko ɗaukar (ra'ayoyi, ilimi, da sauransu), ko haɗawa ko narke (abinci ko abin sha). Hakanan yana iya nufin ɗauka ko karɓa (wani abu abstract), kamar inganci ko motsin rai.

Sentence Examples

  1. Somehow, she managed to imbibe each of her words with a sweetness that jarred against the reality of the situation.
  2. The drinking would not begin until after the guests had gorged themselves and could thus imbibe copious amounts of wine.
  3. It was hard to explain to people why I needed to imbibe so much without telling them about my affliction.
  4. I do not willingly enter into arithmetical explanations with an artist like you, who fears to enter my study lest she should imbibe disagreeable or anti-poetic impressions and sensations.
  5. Kirke had warned some batches were more dangerous than others, and not even Athene was so brazen as to imbibe one at random.
  6. After disappearing for a time, Stork returned to them from the cave carrying a tray of biscuits and hot coffees, steaming invitingly for them to imbibe.
  7. Unmitigated, unbridled power she could imbibe and make part of herself.