English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "misali" shine don ba da wakilci ko misalan gani don yin wani abu a sarari ko fiye da fahimta. Hakanan yana iya nufin bayyanawa ko bayyana wani abu ta hanyar ba da misalai ko labari, ko ƙawata ko yin ado da hotuna ko zane.

Sentence Examples

  1. Sky Death scratched with a claw at the earth, trying to draw a line to illustrate his point.
  2. These invite us to journey into the mystery the stories create, and because they are ambiguous, stimulate our curiosity and imagination to seek the truth they illustrate.
  3. Besides sifting, testing, and methodising with rare patience and judgment what had been previously brought to light, he left, as the saying is, no stone unturned under which anything to illustrate his subject might possibly be found.
  4. However, I have managed to live thirty years without this protection, you will say but I will endeavor a little to illustrate my meaning.