English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "hustle" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da ita, amma wasu ma'anar ma'anar ita ce: (fi'ili) don motsawa ko aiki cikin sauri da kuzari. , musamman don cim ma wani abu ko don samun kuɗi(fi’ili) don matsawa ko roƙon wani ya yi wani abu, sau da yawa ta hanya mai ƙarfi ko tada hankali(noun) a busy and hanyar rayuwa mai aiki, sau da yawa ya haɗa da aiki tuƙuru, dogon sa’o’i, da ƙudurin yin nasara(noun) makirci ko aiki na rashin gaskiya ko zamba, sau da yawa da nufin samun kuɗi cikin sauri kuma ba bisa ka’ida ba. ol>Wasu kalamai na yau da kullum da lafuzzan da suke amfani da kalmar “haushe” sun hada da “haushi da hayaniya” (yana nufin yanayi mai hayaniya, aiki da hargitsi), “hust up” (ma’ana yin gaggawa ko motsi da sauri). da kuma "hustle and flow" (yana nufin yanayin tunani mai nasara kuma mai fa'ida)

Sentence Examples

  1. Two real patrol cops, guns drawn, had arrived on the hustle and were waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs.
  2. Her yelp of pain was drowned out by all the hustle and bustle of the tavern.
  3. The sound of a car engine made Caela hustle her helmet on before the bike started up and moved toward the street.
  4. A mean pool player and an expert in harmless flirtation, Georgie anticipated a bit of hustle.
  5. His shouts for Elise and Emlen caused the other agents to grab the women and hustle them behind JJ.
  6. After the hustle and bustle of the castle camp, the silence and solitude were a welcome relief.
  7. The two slipped in among the hustle and bustle of the doctors, nurses and corpsmen, and got Jill horizontal on a cot as quickly as possible.
  8. Past where the subway cave-in ended they were able to hustle still faster more in the center of the street.
  9. First shift left the plant in a hustle of heavy boots.
  10. Except before he could hustle her out, she smiled, making him worry what she was cooking up.