English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "hussar" memba ne na rukunin sojojin doki masu haske, asali na Hungary, wanda ya samo asali a karni na 15 kuma an yi amfani dashi sosai a Turai a cikin karni na 18 da farkon 19th. An san Hussar da kaya kala-kala da kayatarwa da dawakai masu saurin gaske. Hakanan ana iya amfani da kalmar "hussar" gabaɗaya don komawa ga kowane memba na rukunin sojojin doki masu haske.

Sentence Examples

  1. The Hussar kicked him, then thrust with his scimitar.
  2. Janis hit the brake and turn the wheel hard to the right in front of the lead Hussar chariot.
  3. Janis looked behind them and saw the Hussar chariot barreling down on them.
  4. The Hussar hurled into the dash face first with a sickening crunch.
  5. Janis jutted his arm forward to send the charged bolt towards the first Hussar in his sight.
  6. The tank was beyond the rock face, Hussar mercenaries spread out and approaching the boy.
  7. The Hussar chariot sped up towards them, death waiting in the black pit of its open front panel.
  8. What did the sapiens in the Hussar chariot feel like?
  9. He was going to crack the reins when the creature leaped into their midst, throwing Janis back in the saddle like a warrior god, arc caster lowered towards them as it trampled a Hussar without stumbling.
  10. Janis dodged to the right, the blade slicing him on his left side as he lunged forward with the dagger in his right hand, catching the Hussar in the chest.