English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar " firgita" ji ne na tsananin tsoro, tsoro, ko firgita, sau da yawa tare da halayen jiki kamar goga, rawar jiki, ko tashin hankali. Hakanan yana iya nufin wani abu mai ban tsoro ko ban tsoro, kamar fim ɗin ban tsoro ko labari mai ban tsoro. Gabaɗaya, tsoro shine babban martani na motsin rai ga wani abu da aka gane a matsayin barazana, haɗari, ko mai ban tsoro.

Sentence Examples

  1. Horror clasped at his throat as he saw demons everywhere.
  2. After much struggle and strife, the other gods banded together and ultimately sacrificed their own lives to destroy Ezanathul and put an end to his reign of horror.
  3. Stark images quite unrelated to the horror in front of me threatened to break down the walls in my head.
  4. Not any scream, a scream so full of horror and agony it could only mean one thing.
  5. He was paralysed with appalling horror and unbearable grief.
  6. With rising horror, Evan saw shadowed shapes encased in these webs.
  7. He looked pleased, but to their horror he announced.
  8. Brooke screamed in horror, not summoning magic fast enough before two of the creatures were on her.
  9. Delta shook his head, an awed kind of horror in his expression.
  10. Brooke opened her mouth to speak, but then shuddered in horror as a horde of demons emerged.