English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "honk" ita ce yin ƙara, ƙaƙƙarfan sauti da ƙaho ko abin hawa. Hakanan yana iya nufin yin irin wannan sauti da muryar mutum, musamman ta hanyar ƙara ko rashin jin daɗi. Bugu da ƙari, "honk" na iya nufin sautin da wasu dabbobi ke yi, kamar su geese ko na kaho.

Sentence Examples

  1. I was about to honk the horn when Silas finally returned.
  2. But when I stood on the shore they at once rose up with a great flapping of wings at the signal of their commander, and when they had got into rank circled about over my head, twenty-nine of them, and then steered straight to Canada, with a regular honk from the leader at intervals, trusting to break their fast in muddier pools.
  3. The next morning, just as the percolator made its last gurgle, I heard a horn honk out front.
  4. When visiting, arranged by mail because there was no telephone, I would park next to his cablecar platform and honk the horn.
  5. The second honk was louder and accompanied the strange staccato of a series of quacks along with a kind of clicking that grew by the minute.
  6. The strange, sporadic honk from outside was faint.