English to hausa meaning of

Ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar “ranar amarci” suna ne da ke nuni da lokacin da aka yi bayan bikin aure da sababbin ma’aurata suka tafi tare don tafiya ko hutu, yawanci mako ɗaya ko biyu. Haka nan kuma tana iya nuni da lokacin farko a auratayya da duk wani abu ya zama sabon abu da ban sha’awa, ko kuma lokacin da aka sami ɗan taƙaitaccen lokaci na jituwa ko jin daɗi tsakanin ɓangarori biyu, kamar ƙasashe ko kasuwanci.

Sentence Examples

  1. Our honeymoon was an unexpected surprise wedding gift from Dr.
  2. Eugénie and I rode across Canada for our honeymoon.
  3. Normal people would honeymoon in a tropical place rather than a cold destination but Sara and Matthaios had never claimed to be normal.
  4. Engineer McMillan got back from his honeymoon leave-just in time, too.
  5. It had started after the honeymoon with the odd belittling comment that would get more hurtful.
  6. At that rate, the drink would run out before the honeymoon.
  7. I thought about the dreams all during our honeymoon I was worried they were going to keep coming, but they never did.
  8. New Pearl was there all along, the alter-ego lying in wait to be discovered after the honeymoon.
  9. A few weeks ago, Jericho and his new bride, Peyton, had returned from an island honeymoon.
  10. When we got back from Cape Town, Sonnyboy was also back from his honeymoon, so we visited Tasty Meals together.