English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "homely" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da yanki, amma wasu ma'anoni gama gari sune: bayyanar; marar ban sha'awa ta hanyar da ta saba da jin dadi. Misali: "Gidan gidan yana da karami kuma mai gida, amma yana da duk abin da muke bukata don tafiyar zangonmu." na yau da kullun. Misali: "Koyaushe ina jin gida a kicin na gida na kakata." cikin gida. Misali: "Yanayin gida na gidan abinci ya sa mu ji kamar muna cin abinci a gidan wani." cikin gida. Misali: "Mace ce mai kyawawan dabi'u, wacce ta kula da danginta da gidanta da tsananin ibada."

Sentence Examples

  1. The area was surprisingly homely, with all sorts of decorations and furniture you would only see in a higher-class place.
  2. They are, in short, peasants, plain homely people, without any taint of disreputable blood, and, as the saying is, old rusty Christians, but so rich that by their wealth and free-handed way of life they are coming by degrees to be considered gentlefolk by birth, and even by position though the wealth and nobility they thought most of was having me for their daughter and as they have no other child to make their heir, and are affectionate parents, I was one of the most indulged daughters that ever parents indulged.
  3. His eyes returned to the friendly, homely face, and he curved his lips into a smile.
  4. I turn ever so slowly and there she is, my homely sad coed.
  5. He had received a good education, but, on succeeding early in life to a small independence, had become indisposed for any of the more homely pursuits in which his brothers were engaged, and had satisfied an active, cheerful mind and social temper by entering into the militia of his county, then embodied.
  6. First a small hut woven through the trees, you could walk past within a few feet and still not see it, then two beds, then pots and pans, a small table and chairs, it was beginning to look very homely.
  7. Sancho required no pressing, but pushed himself in between them and the duke, who thought it rare good fortune to receive such a knight-errant and such a homely squire in their castle.