English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "haya" ita ce ɗaukar wani aiki don aiki ko hayar wani abu na ɗan lokaci don musanyawa don biyan kuɗi.

Sentence Examples

  1. A chance meeting in the city leads Xaran to hire Aderyn to help him get his research into secure hands.
  2. You convinced Delp to hire Reggie, a faithful servant.
  3. Leaving Tenesar behind, facing the lava scree of the land, and again I hope the only vehicle I encounter is a hire car driven by an intrepid tourist.
  4. I have an inspector verify the building is up to code, I contact our insurance company to give us a quote, I schedule a walk-through with the fire marshal, and hire a cleaning crew for before and after the event.
  5. Possibly once a soldier, they would conclude, and now probably for hire recent times did not look as if they had been too kind.
  6. As she was blind, and besides wanted to go on working halftime as a physiotherapist, Daisy had to hire some help, but that was not a problem.
  7. As near as I could tell, my mother wanted my father to hire a lawyer, but he was insistent he had nothing to hide.
  8. Jack harboured the fervent hope that it would lead to their hire, and soon.
  9. Fogg proposed to the Indian to hire Kiouni, he refused point-blank.
  10. The best she could hope for would be to one day hire herself out to a mercenary company, and despite that she chafed behind the walls of the enclave, she had no real wish to become a mercenary either.

TV Series Examples



Gold to hire ships, Princess,