English to hausa meaning of

Ana iya amfani da kalmar "heft" a matsayin suna da kuma fi'ili, kuma ma'anarta ya dogara da mahallin. Anan akwai ma'anar ƙamus na "heft":Noun:Nauyi ko nauyi, musamman lokacin ban sha'awa ko nauyi. (misali, "Ƙarfin fakitin ya sa da wuya a ɗauka.") Tasiri ko iko. (misali, "Kwazon dan siyasa a cikin jam'iyya yana da muhimmanci.")Fi'ili: Dagawa ko ɗaukar wani abu mai nauyi da ƙoƙari. (misali, "Ta ɗaga akwati a kan akwatunan kaya.")Don tantance nauyin wani abu ta hanyar ɗagawa ko sarrafa shi. (misali, "Ya tsinke guna don sanin girmansa.")Don Allah a lura cewa waɗannan ma'anoni na gaba ɗaya ne kuma suna iya bambanta kaɗan dangane da ƙamus na musamman da aka tuntuba.

Sentence Examples

  1. Parrying the blow seemed a bit out of the question considering the heft behind the fist.
  2. This creature had ludicrously stumpy legs but was all heft in the upper body department.
  3. Eilidh closed her eyes and tried to relax her shoulders, overly tense from supporting the heft of her new protective wear.
  4. Both sets of doors opened, heavy, Kevlar-reinforced mechanisms swinging forward with both heft and an eerie near-silence.
  5. Then she jerked one knee up and grasping his wrist and collar, used his body weight to heft him over.
  6. Strength to heft her with one hand, to squeeze her unconscious.
  7. Ravenwood raised and lowered the sphere a few times, gauging its heft.
  8. As when she had come to Atlantis, the urge to seize one by the shoulders, heft him off the ground and shake him, came upon her so powerfully she had to clench her fists to suppress it.
  9. He taught Lance how to lift heavy objects and focus more on the biceps and back, and how to heft heavy items so as to build up the chest and shoulders, and the two of them loaded all the weighty furniture into the back of the truck, laughing as they did so.
  10. The Titan seized Pandora once more, this time using one hand to heft Pandora off her feet by the back of her neck.