English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "zafi" ya bambanta dangane da mahallinta. Ga wasu ma’anoni da aka fi sani: , musamman dangane da yanayin zafin da ke kewaye. Matsi mai tsanani ko tashin hankali, yawanci a cikin yanayin gasa. wutar lantarki. Yawan ƙarfin aiki ko ƙoƙarin da ake buƙata don yin wani abu, musamman motsa jiki. ko da yaushe yana gudana daga zafi zuwa abubuwa masu sanyaya." "Zafin rana ya yi tsanani a wannan ranar zafi mai zafi." " "Ta zafafa miya a cikin microwave." "Gudun gudun fanfalaki na bukatar zafi da jimiri mai yawa."

Sentence Examples

  1. I thought of them both the first night after the storm, after hours of blistering heat on the roof and no rescue, when darkness so intense fell upon us and TB curled into a ball and cried himself to sleep.
  2. Someone had left the window open, or the heat had stopped functioning.
  3. His eyes trailed her movements and uncomfortable heat flushed through her.
  4. I told him that, and the effect was like watching a flower wilt in the heat, or some such thing.
  5. He had gotten caught up in the heat of the moment, and he was afraid he had said something truly hurtful, something that would deeply offend her.
  6. The side-effects of using fire element had left his skin cold to the touch, but as his sorcery recharged Evan felt heat return, spreading gradually up through his arms and into his chest.
  7. He could almost feel his blood heat up and skin itched unbearably.
  8. Her belly quivered under his hand and liquid heat shot through him, made him aware of how her form molded against his.
  9. Heat ripped through my cheeks and burned my ears as he blatantly checked me out.
  10. More likely the guilty party felt the heat was off.