English to hausa meaning of

A matsayin samfurin harshe, zan iya samar muku da ma'anoni ƙamus da yawa na kalmar "tuba", saboda tana iya samun fassarori daban-daban dangane da mahallin. Ga wasu ma’anoni masu yiwuwa: Suna (jam'i): Babban adadi ko adadin wani abu; mai yawa. Misali: "Akwai tarin litattafai a warwatse ko'ina cikin dakin." sosai; zuwa babba. Misali: "Ta fi kyau a kidan a yanzu idan aka kwatanta da shekarar da ta gabata." Misali: "Yakan tara dattin wankinsa a kusurwar dakinsa." rashin tsari; m. Misali: "Dakinta ya cika tudu bayan bikin."Lura: Kalmar "tuba" ana yawan amfani da ita ba bisa ka'ida ba a cikin tattaunawa ta yau da kullun, musamman a cikin Australiya da New Zealand Turanci. , a matsayin ma'anar ma'anar "mai yawa" ko "sosai." Maiyuwa ba za a yi amfani da shi da yawa a rubuce-rubuce na yau da kullun ko fiye da na yau da kullun ba.

Sentence Examples

  1. There were, besides, piles of the whitest bread, like the heaps of corn one sees on the threshing-floors.
  2. It made me a horrible liar and got me into heaps of trouble.
  3. I see in an instant that the ash has fallen into several heaps in the foreground.
  4. Ham, fish, and a quarter dozen different fowls sat steaming in the middle of the table, surrounded by fried potatoes and bowls of fruit and heaps of rice.
  5. The heaps of trash and tall piles of rusted cars glared down at me like giant shadows of ancient creatures.
  6. Janis walked between the heaps of ancient trash, sensitive to every sound and tremor in the place.
  7. When their plates held only heaps of bones, Jeremy got up to pour coffee.
  8. My mind went numb at the sight, trying to process what I was seeing, while bodies rapidly collapsed in wet heaps.
  9. No one remembered to put the children to bed and they gradually fell asleep in little heaps at various points around the fire.
  10. Heaps of papers and photographs stacked on top of aging memories.