English to hausa meaning of

Sentence Examples

  1. Lucie, the fresh-out-of-college receptionist Pam had hired last month, greeted me with a wave from across her desk as she spoke into her headset.
  2. When they came back in, Chuck dropped his headset on the seat.
  3. Emily Saunders was tapping away on her keyboard while talking into her headset.
  4. As its two long blades began to rotate overhead, Everon handed Franklin a headset.
  5. Examining the blade, Cruncher spoke into the headset.
  6. I locked the dial, then pressed the transmission button and slipped my headset on to wait for connection to be established.
  7. She let Veridian know of their approach through her headset and slowed down.
  8. Veridian spoke over her headset again, an undertone of urgency in his voice.
  9. Without conscious effort, his lanky frame kept itself upright while he switched the rope to his right hand, caught the edge of an ear cup with his left, pushed the headset comfortably over his ears.
  10. In order to avoid glaring eyes I put on a headset and had my face glued to my phone.