English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "haɗari" suna ne da ke nufin haɗari ko haɗari wanda zai iya haifar da lahani, rauni, lalacewa, ko asara. Hakanan ana iya amfani da shi azaman fi'ili, ma'ana don fallasa wani ko wani abu ga haɗari ko haɗari.

Sentence Examples

  1. Quincey Morris was phlegmatic in the way of a man who accepts all things, and accepts them in the spirit of cool bravery, with hazard of all he has to stake.
  2. The RCMP decided she was a hazard to herself or others, so she was admitted for examination.
  3. Wrapt up in a cloak of politeness, she seemed determined to hazard nothing.
  4. People dressed in hazard suits tend to people inside the tent.
  5. For though his integrity and reputation might bridle slanderous tongues, still he was unwilling to hazard either his own good name or that of his friend and for this reason most of the days agreed upon he devoted to some other business which he pretended was unavoidable so that a great portion of the day was taken up with complaints on one side and excuses on the other.
  6. If Kila had to hazard a guess, the man would be walking a beat for a good, long time.
  7. Weston would speak to her, with a degree of unreserve which she would not hazard with Isabella and, she really believed, would scarcely try to conceal any thing relative to the Churchills from her, excepting those views on the young man, of which her own imagination had already given her such instinctive knowledge.
  8. A wise man would not hazard writing a note after such a perfect evening but I was not ready for our time together to end.
  9. I would hazard a guess that this girl and whoever her accomplices are were using it to transport the stolen goods.
  10. Now tell me, Anselmo, in which of these two art thou imperilled, that I should hazard myself to gratify thee, and do a thing so detestable as that thou seekest of me?