English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "gurgle" ita ce yin kumfa ko gaggawar sauti, yawanci sakamakon ruwa da ke gudana ta cikin keɓaɓɓen wuri. Haka kuma tana iya nuni da sautin da cikin mutum ke yi a lokacin da yake jin yunwa ko narkar da abinci. Bugu da ƙari, ana iya amfani da "gurgle" azaman suna don kwatanta sautin kansa, kamar a cikin "gurgin ruwa a cikin bututu" ko "gurgin cikin jariri."

Sentence Examples

  1. Starlight streamed through open shutters as a gurgle of agony escaped him.
  2. Roderick slid to the floor with a wet gurgle, both hands flailing in an attempt to remove the blade.
  3. The next morning, just as the percolator made its last gurgle, I heard a horn honk out front.
  4. The gurgle of the water rose above the breeze rustling the leaves overhead, one harmonizing with the other in the melody of nature.
  5. She looked at me while she ate fish and chips and sucked down the last of a Coke with a gurgle.
  6. My stomach let out a loud gurgle as I got closer and saw they were indeed fruit.
  7. However, the soft gurgle of the stream calmed my thoughts somewhat, and I closed my eyes.
  8. From not four feet behind him, he heard a smack and a gurgle.
  9. The gurgle is the Sun tearing down mountain walls, a promise of life out of unforgiving chaos.
  10. Sometimes this gurgle became sibilant, almost a whistle.