English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "guitar" kayan kiɗa ne mai lebur, ƙugiya, yawanci tare da igiyoyi guda shida waɗanda ake kunna su ta hanyar ƙwanƙwasa ko tarawa. Galibi ana yin igiyoyin ne da nailan ko karfe kuma ana kunna kayan ta hanyar danna yatsun hannu ɗaya akan igiyoyin yayin da ake bugun igiyar ko kuma ɗaukar igiyoyin da ɗaya hannun. Ana yawan amfani da guitar a cikin salo daban-daban na kiɗa, gami da jama'a, rock, blues, da na gargajiya.

Sentence Examples

  1. When he finished, he set the guitar down gently and strolled towards me.
  2. Hawke spent his time caught between strumming idly on his guitar and sharpening or polishing his sword.
  3. Grandpop played the piano and guitar while Nana D sang and played the clarinet.
  4. Then a guitar squealed, drowning out the screaming teens.
  5. The guitar was back in its case, but he shouldered the other bundle and pushed his glasses up his nose before looking to me.
  6. Instantly, I recognized the song Always With Me, Always With You, a Satriani guitar solo.
  7. Sitting casually on a barstool, with one foot resting on the ground and the other on the cross bars, he strummed a few notes on his red guitar.
  8. Evan spotted another flying billboard where a guitar wielding Padrake stood amidst a rock band, with a banshee lead singer.
  9. It was all going well, the music pounded, and the guitar was off the rails with tons of hammer ons.
  10. Glancing up, he winked and then focused on his guitar strings.