English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "jagoranci" ita ce nunawa ko jagoranci hanyar zuwa makoma ko hanyar aiki, ko ba da shawara ko taimako wajen yanke shawara ko warware matsaloli. Hakanan yana iya nufin jagora ko jagorar ƙungiya ko mutum zuwa takamaiman manufa ko sakamako. Ana amfani da kalmar “jagora” sau da yawa don bayyana aikin bayar da umarni, shawarwari, ko tallafi don taimaka wa wani ya kewaya wani yanayi ko cimma sakamakon da ake so.


  1. directing
  2. directional
  3. directive

Sentence Examples

  1. For not the first time since I acquired my SCANCy habits, I feel a force guiding me, like dozens of tiny fingers gently pushing me one way or another.
  2. He vaulted off Sir Brown Horse and took him by the reins, guiding us both at a slower pace towards the edge of town where the only wooden structure stood.
  3. Guiding hands supported her until she was upright.
  4. Routine, sold as our Savior, to be our guiding light and capture us in the spell of repetition.
  5. Again, Kallan assessed the spine and balance before guiding the blade through the air with a fluidity she carried through to the next position.
  6. With a steady hand guiding England it can develop and grow, I know it can.
  7. Janis pulled with the reins as best he could, guiding it in a sclerotic way towards Ruck below.
  8. Seeing a compass as a child gave him insight, that there are invisible forces guiding the universe, with rules that could be discovered and understood.
  9. Guiding the tiny threads, she called them out and back and turned them over, twisting them about at will, watching, amused with the threads of Seidr until she forgot her cold.
  10. Her mind cleared, the Seidr swelled, and, placing a palm onto his wound, she pulled from her core, guiding her Seidr into him and through him, all the while muttering under her breath.