English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "kayan abinci" kantin sayar da abinci ne da kayan abinci. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga abubuwan da ake siyarwa a cikin irin wannan kantin, kamar kayan gwangwani, burodi, kayan amfanin gona, da sauran kayan masarufi. Gabaɗaya, ana amfani da kalmar “kayan abinci” wajen nufin abinci da kayan gida waɗanda ake siya akai-akai don ci ko amfani da su yau da kullun.


  1. foodstuff

Sentence Examples

  1. I was thinking about hope when I stopped dead in my tracks just outside the entrance of the Fairhaven grocery store.
  2. I grabbed a grocery sack off the desk, emptied its contents, and replaced it with money.
  3. Grocery shopping is much easier without grabbing hands.
  4. Beady Eyes shoved a folded piece of paper and a reusable, cloth grocery bag into my hands.
  5. I found Ally in the check stand sliding her debit card through the payment machine, so I grabbed her grocery bag and bolted for the door.
  6. I saw some like it in her basket at the grocery store the other day.
  7. Then we spent the rest of the morning perusing several of the grocery stalls littering the streets.
  8. I fiddle with some loose packing tape on the grocery box, nagging it free.
  9. Ally all but dropped her grocery basket and sighed loudly.
  10. Seizing the opportunity, I jumped away from him while swinging the grocery bag into his face.