English to hausa meaning of

Ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar “zama” sha’awa ce mai tsanani da son kai ga wani abu, musamman dukiya, ko mulki, ko abinci, fiye da abin da ya wajaba ko hankali. Sau da yawa ana siffanta shi da son wuce gona da iri ko sha'awar samun fiye da ɗaya buƙatu ko cancanta, sau da yawa a kan cin mutuncin wasu ko ba tare da la'akari da jin daɗinsu ba. Yawanci ana kallon kwaɗayi a matsayin wani hali ko ɗabi'a mara kyau, domin yana iya haifar da cin zarafi, rashin adalci, da cutar da kai da sauransu.

Sentence Examples

  1. Eager to corrupt others, he spread this darkness to those whose minds were open to greed, power, and lust.
  2. It always comes down to short sightedness and greed.
  3. His determination stemmed from greed, corruption, and a desire for insatiable power.
  4. The Russian government was a collection of barbaric crusaders torn between their desire to save their people and their greed.
  5. But tonight, the lust and greed, it was somehow more tragic.
  6. Until now I have kept my writing, my work, in the shadows out of fear and greed.
  7. Powerful people had become vulnerable due to their greed.
  8. It all reeked of temptation and pleasure and greed.
  9. The five on the bottom stand for Greed, Lust, Wrath, Sloth, and Envy.
  10. A sea of cold, calculating rage, filled with greed and religious animosity, clutched at my throat and began to almost squeeze the breath from me.