English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "Goose" shine babban tsuntsu mai ruwa mai tsayi mai tsayi da ƙafafu masu raɗaɗi, yawanci yana da faffadan baki mai faɗi, kuma yana iya tashi mai nisa. Ana kuma amfani da shi wajen siffanta wanda yake wawanci ko wawa, ko kuma a koma ga ƙoramar ɗinkin tela da ake ɗora ta wurin sanya shi a wuta.

Sentence Examples

  1. His fingers curled over my shoulders, lifting goose bumps under my clothes.
  2. Still standing, I was cold and covered in goose bumps.
  3. At one time his hand grazed her leg while urging her forwards, her hair stood on end and goose bumps erupted on her flesh.
  4. Sancho fell upon his knees devoutly appealing to heaven to deliver him from such imminent peril which it did by the activity and quickness of the millers, who, pushing against the boat with their poles, stopped it, not, however, without upsetting and throwing Don Quixote and Sancho into the water and lucky it was for Don Quixote that he could swim like a goose, though the weight of his armour carried him twice to the bottom and had it not been for the millers, who plunged in and hoisted them both out, it would have been Troy town with the pair of them.
  5. Mark hung his robe on a hook near the door and enjoyed the goose bumps that rose across his chest, shoulders, and arms.
  6. I have to keep busy, even if it means driving first here then there like a wayward goose.
  7. Meanwhile, she would have a little fun and lead this guy on a wild goose chase.
  8. He stepped inside, rifle raised, goose bumps prickling out on his arms, fear spiking.
  9. Lips grazed my ear and goose bumps bloomed over my chest.
  10. Another wild goose chase courtesy of some intel jackass who had never left the green zone.