English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar akuya ita ce kamar haka: Noun: a. Dabbobi mai shayarwa ( Capra aegagrus) na dangin Bovidae, masu alaƙa da tumaki, suna da ƙahonin baya-baya da ƙamshi mai ƙima. Ana kiwon awaki don nono, nama, da gashi. b. Naman akuya, ana amfani da shi azaman abinci. c. Dabbobin daji ko na gida da ke da alaƙa da, ko kama da, akuya, irin su akuya ko akuyar Dutsen Dutse. Slang: a. Acronym don "Mafi Girman Duk Lokaci." Ana amfani da shi don bayyana wani ko wani abu da ake ɗauka mafi kyau, ƙwararru, ko mafi cikar fage ko nau'i. Kalmar ta samo asali ne a duniyar wasanni amma tun daga lokacin an fadada shi zuwa wasu fannoni kamar kiɗa, fasaha, da nishaɗi. GOAT' don nufin "Mafi Girman Komai" ci gaba ne na baya-bayan nan kuma maiyuwa ba za a same shi a tsoffin ƙamus.


  1. caprine animal

Sentence Examples

  1. You perceive, however, that he is neither a lamb, nor a goat, nor a satyr, neither has he much resemblance to the Pan of the Arcadians.
  2. She ordered a breaded chicken breast stuffed with goat cheese and mushrooms topped with chipotle cream.
  3. This, sirs, was the reason of words and expressions I made use of to this goat when I came up just now for as she is a female I have a contempt for her, though she is the best in all my fold.
  4. Probably busy helping some poor farmer clean out his goat shed after a mudslide.
  5. He clambers up what amounts to a goat track and finds the mareta without too much difficulty.
  6. Milking soon became quick, efficient, and fun as the goats came to trust us, and after we learned to tie one goat to the fence while the other was being milked.
  7. As they were eating they suddenly heard a loud noise and the sound of a bell that seemed to come from among some brambles and thick bushes that were close by, and the same instant they observed a beautiful goat, spotted all over black, white, and brown, spring out of the thicket with a goatherd after it, calling to it and uttering the usual cries to make it stop or turn back to the fold.
  8. He was like a mountain goat, hopping around from rock to rock and never once losing his footing.
  9. Although the goat could no longer move sideways, the grain had all been eaten, so she was no longer interested in standing still.
  10. In the house, I opened some beer, and Pearl served pasta with goat cheese.

TV Series Examples



One lot steals a goat from another lot,