English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "mai sheki" ita ce: Samun santsi, mai sheki, da haske, sau da yawa sakamakon gogewa ko shafa. > Samun kamanni ko salo mai ban sha'awa ko ban sha'awa, amma rashin zurfin ko abu. ya nuna sararin samaniyar da ke sama da shi. An buga murfin mujallar a kan takarda mai sheki don sanya hotunan su tashi. kowane takamaiman tsare-tsare.

Sentence Examples

  1. Reaching out, he picked up a glossy leaflet promoting the facilities.
  2. His knee-high black leather boots were polished to a glossy shine.
  3. He blinked, and when his eyes opened again, I recognized sadness beyond their glossy depths.
  4. Cream colored carpets offset by cherry cabinets and matching end tables brought a certain amount of luxuriousness to the space, while black trim and glossy finishes added a touch of elegance.
  5. She was exquisite, with glossy black hair dark brown skin, and startling sea-green eyes.
  6. The rage behind their glossy surface mirrored my own.
  7. The glossy black-and-white finish to the print dated it seventies or early eighties.
  8. A distant, glossy sheen flashed over his eyes as he looked at me.
  9. Pot lights, cushy sofas, and a glossy oval table with four black Parson chairs.
  10. The scales were exceedingly hard and glossy, with all the appearance of burnished gold.