English to hausa meaning of

Ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar “bawa” na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da ita. ita ce mai bayarwa wanda ko da yaushe tana raba abin da take da shi da sauran mutane.”A matsayin suna, “bawa” na iya nufin aikin bayar da wani abu, kamar kyauta ko kyauta, kamar yadda yake cikin “bayar da ita. ya taimaka wajen kawo sauyi a rayuwar mutane da yawa.”A matsayin fi’ili, “bawa” na iya nufin canjawa ko mika wani abu ga wani, kamar yadda yake cikin “tana ba shi littafin da ya tambaya."

Sentence Examples

  1. I grabbed a rucksack, giving myself a mental kick, and started filling it.
  2. Giving the same sort of experience I had as a child to Emma was a comforting thought.
  3. Both of them laughed, Brooke giving in after pretending to be annoyed.
  4. They faced a Master on a podium in the middle of the amphitheatre, giving a fierce speech.
  5. But I take this as encouraging, hoping that he giving me his card means we will hook up sometimes in the future.
  6. As I turn, sure enough Carmine is giving TB the once-over.
  7. Moonlight shone bright as she stepped outside, giving the castle walls a ghostly tinge.
  8. Tarensen inhaled heavily before giving out his commands.
  9. The cobalt demon blazed into a fierce inferno, and in seconds turned to ash, only the stench of burned flesh giving sign it had ever existed.
  10. Instead of giving him another chance, they fired him.

TV Series Examples



- without at least giving it time to breathe.



But the man giving Cersei sleepless nights



l'm giving you half of our forces -



My mother died giving birth to me.