English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "gall" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallinta da kuma yadda ake amfani da ita. Ga wasu ma’anoni daban-daban: p> Suna: Jajircewa, ƙarfin hali, ko rashin ƙarfi; jijiya don yin ko faɗi wani abu mai ban haushi. Suna: Rauni ko buɗaɗɗen rauni da ake samu ta hanyar shafa ko chafing. Suna: Jin daci ko ban tsoro, musamman a mayar da martani ga zalunci ko zagi. Verb: To abrade or wear away by friction. Suna: Girma a kan shuke-shuke da wasu kwari ke haifarwa, kamar aphids ko mites. li> Noun: Maƙarƙashiya ko kullin takobi ko wuƙa.


  1. bile

Sentence Examples

  1. He had gained some knowledge about those fellows because Milly consulted at least two of them and ranted about their gall charging for quackery.
  2. He had the gall to try and pat her arm after she was unceremoniously dumped into the back seat of the SUV.
  3. And that piece of shit had the gall to spit in my face.
  4. Within an ace of being Count was he, And would have been but for the spite and gall Of this vile age, mean and illiberal, That cannot even let a donkey be.
  5. Gall stood up to inspect a fishing boat, running an experienced eye along a row of wooden strakes that appeared to Watters like human ribs.