English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "fueled" ita ce: abin da ya wuce da kuma abin da ya wuce na "man fetur", wanda ke nufin samarwa ko kunna abin hawa, injin, ko na'ura mai mai. Hakanan yana iya nufin haɓakawa ko ba da kuzari ga wani abu, kamar aiki ko motsin rai.

Sentence Examples

  1. In the time it took the larger of the two to fall back with an arrow secured in his skull, the second stood with a sick smile that fueled the Beast in Rune.
  2. Fueled by a confusing mix of hurt and anger, he slid the keys in the ignition and the car roared to life.
  3. It was okay that she loved both men, and, even though she was doing what was right for Julius, she knew their love was genuine, not fueled by lustful glances and a few passionate kisses.
  4. Pulling it through her, Kallan fueled her own energy, oblivious to the bridge that had formed from the tiny spring that yielded the Seidr.
  5. Chrysler survived a number of unique hardships that fueled her darker side and love of macabre.
  6. Every so often, I thought I caught a hint of rotting flesh underneath, but that was probably my imagination, fueled by the memory of the last time I had been this close to the river.
  7. Past grievances and old ancestral hatred fueled their distrust of the ancient First Clan.
  8. Her husband was killed during the battle with the Normans and their mutual hatred fueled their passion.
  9. Seeing Edgar still hanging there fueled all of his impotent fury at the impending loss of his brother.
  10. The mercenary was within five paces when the hunger welled up inside him like psychic spew, fueled by his deep rage.