English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar “Fringed” sifa ce wadda galibi tana nufin wani abu mai gezawa ko aka yi masa ado da geza. Gefen iyakoki ne na ado ko gefen da ya ƙunshi zaren rataye, tassels, ko madauri waɗanda suka fi tsayin babban ɓangaren kayan. Lokacin da aka siffanta wani abu a matsayin "yanka," yana nufin yana da geza ko an yi masa ado da geza.

Sentence Examples

  1. His companion told him to steal to the edge of the wood, which, as usual, was fringed with a thicket, and wait his coming, for he wished to examine certain suspicious signs a little on one side.
  2. When they reached the spot where the Indian stood, pointing into the thicket that fringed the military road a narrow and blind path, which might, with some little inconvenience, receive one person at a time, became visible.
  3. But when the sun was seen climbing above the tops of that mountain, against whose bosom the Delawares had constructed their encampment, most were seated and as his bright rays darted from behind the outline of trees that fringed the eminence, they fell upon as grave, as attentive, and as deeply interested a multitude, as was probably ever before lighted by his morning beams.
  4. However, the rear of the regiment was fringed with men, who continued to shoot irritably at the advancing foes.
  5. A low point concealed them from the headland, and the margin of the lake was fringed for some distance with dense and overhanging bushes.
  6. A path fringed with chunks of basalt leads to the entrance set within a stylish paved porch.
  7. The tight curls that framed her face were bright blonde and her large brown eyes were fringed by thick lashes.
  8. As he approached, nothing was audible but the rattling of the light silver ornaments that loaded his arms and neck, and the tinkling of the little bells that fringed his deerskin moccasins.
  9. Though his person was more than usually screened by a green and fringed hunting-shirt, like that of the white man, there was no concealment to his dark, glancing, fearless eye, alike terrible and calm the bold outline of his high, haughty features, pure in their native red or to the dignified elevation of his receding forehead, together with all the finest proportions of a noble head, bared to the generous scalping tuft.
  10. He had big teeth, sharp blue eyes, and a shiny bald dome fringed in black.