English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "mai zaman kansa" ita ce: yin aiki a matsayin mutum mai zaman kansa, sau da yawa yana ba da sabis ga kamfanoni daban-daban ko abokan ciniki bisa tsarin aiki-ta-hanyar maimakon yin aiki ga ma'aikaci na dogon lokaci. Ana iya amfani da kalmar "mai zaman kanta" ga sana'o'i daban-daban, kamar marubuta, masu zane-zane, masu tsara shirye-shirye, masu ba da shawara, da sauransu.

Sentence Examples

  1. And since he was working freelance, I figured he could make time to help me, if he wanted to.
  2. I even ran into an old freelance buddy of mine, who was covering the story for the AP.
  3. This also applies to freelance contracts, under which you are currently operating.
  4. Ami Low is a freelance illustrator, painter, muralist and graphic designer.
  5. Yes, life does have a way of surprising you, I think, as I spot an email from Henry among the spam, freelance writing lists and demands from family.
  6. Kayla Warren, the project coordinator, was sitting in a closed-door meeting there with a client and a woman named Helena who was a freelance ghostwriter like me.
  7. After I rejected her proposal to rebuild the business from the ground up, Jess reluctantly used her money to move to London where she launched a boutique electronic investigation service, one that would work freelance for law.
  8. I knew I had to do something to help my hometown, so I quit my newspaper job and became a volunteer coordinator for a Unitarian Universalist recovery program and started freelance writing on the side.