English to hausa meaning of

Sunan "Frederick" ya fito ne daga Jamusanci kuma yana nufin "mai mulki mai zaman lafiya" ko "sarauta mai zaman lafiya." An samo shi daga tsoffin kalmomin Jamusanci "fridu," ma'anar zaman lafiya, da "ric," ma'ana mai mulki ko mai mulki. A cikin amfani da zamani, Frederick sunan namiji ne da aka bayar wanda aka fi amfani da shi a cikin ƙasashen Ingilishi.

Sentence Examples

  1. Boman was about to scold him anyway when Frederick appeared at the top of the stairs.
  2. Logan looked out the window, knowing they were still far outside of the town of Frederick.
  3. He identified the Jacksons, their children looking younger Ilse, a teen in this picture, but still too beautiful to be real, and their son Frederick a chubby-cheeked boy.
  4. After a few seconds, he was sure the train was gradually decelerating as it approached the Frederick checkpoint.
  5. Everyone got to their feet and Em rose as well, eyes on the curtain in back as it fluttered and then parted for John Frederick Jackson to step out onto the stage.
  6. It will make a fine gift for my lord Frederick William II, King of Prussia.