English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "samuwa" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da ita, amma ga wasu ma'anoni da aka fi sani:Don kafa ko ƙirƙirar wani abu, yawanci kamfani, ƙungiya, ko cibiya. Misali, "John ya kafa nasa kamfani a bara." Don gano ko ci karo da wani abu, yawanci ta hanyar kwatsam. Misali, "Na sami lissafin $20 akan titi." Don kafa wani abu amintacce ko amintacce, yawanci ta hanyar aza harsashi. Alal misali, "Masu ginin sun sami gidan a kan katafaren ginin siminti." Don ba da tallafin kuɗi ga wani abu ko wani. Misali, “Jami’ar ta samu tallafin karatu ga hazikin dalibi.” Don narke karfe a jefar da shi a siffa, yawanci tsabar kudi ko wani abu. Alal misali, "Mint ɗin ya sami zinariya cikin sanduna sannan kuma cikin tsabar kudi."

Sentence Examples

  1. He noted how students found the blogger to be a funny distraction but gave his or her messages little consideration.
  2. I found my clarinet case, but the actual clarinet was missing.
  3. I turned the corner and found Officer Flatman and Connor standing outside the door.
  4. I found it funny the way she called the woman Monroe.
  5. Before I knew it, I found myself about to ascend the front entrance of Diamond Hall.
  6. She considered being easier on Striker by using an academic Bell Curve grading style to help him pass, but when Abby found out about Lorraine and Coach Oliver, she realized he was just using her.
  7. I found my favorite pair of dark jeans, added a light gray button-down shirt and a black sports jacket to the outfit, and eased my feet into a pair of black boots.
  8. I made a right at the history section and found Maggie sitting behind her desk in the corner office.
  9. Through the guidance of my extended family and friends, who consistently encouraged me to pursue my passion, I found the confidence to take chances in life.
  10. It was time to let my spectacular curb appeal charm the rest before I found myself on the wrong side of town and living in a doghouse.

TV Series Examples



We found no trace of the direwolf,



lf you're tried and found guilty, then by the



And somehow l found myself in her bed.



You found money for a champion's purse,