English to hausa meaning of

Ana iya amfani da kalmar "gaba" azaman sifa, lallashi, ko fi'ili. Anan akwai ma'anar ƙamus na kowane ɓangaren magana:Maƙasudi:Mai jagora ko ci gaba, zuwa makoma ko manufa.Shirya ko son yin wani abu; eager. Ta hanyar ci gaba ko ci gaba. A nan gaba. li>Don aika wani abu ko wani gaba ko gaba.Don inganta ko taimakawa wani abu ko wani don samun ci gaba.Don ba da shawara ko ba da shawarar wani abu don la'akari. ol>

Sentence Examples

  1. He nodded, hefting his wooden sword and beckoning her forward.
  2. I lunged forward and grabbed for her leg, cursing the lights that blurred my vision.
  3. Before he knew what was happening, Cera leaned forward and brushed her lips against his.
  4. She leans forward and grabs my hand, which jolts my senses.
  5. Ursula indicated she looked forward to seeing me around.
  6. The second goblin bounded forward but Evan met him head on.
  7. The five Venators ran for the looming Fortress ahead feverishly, Evan urging the five castles to come closer as they charged forward.
  8. It was in that instant I felt a sense of security about the future, as though reestablishing a friendship with Maggie might help me move forward.
  9. He waited until the werebull was too close to change direction before leaping out of the way, throwing the panther forward instead.
  10. It felt like they were the only ones moving forward and everyone else was moving against them.