English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "marasa siffa" ba ta da ƙayyadaddun siffa ko tsari na yau da kullum; maras siffa. Yana kuma iya nufin wani abu da ba shi da tsari, tsari, ko haɗin kai. Wato wani abu ne da ba shi da wata siffa ko siffa ko tsari.

Sentence Examples

  1. She tried to force her eyes open and felt the pain of it, but once that subsided, she saw a formless bulk on the ground in front of her.
  2. A cold wind, colored black and formless, yet incredibly powerful.
  3. With mouse-brown hair pinned tight, wearing a formless housedress, she gazed around like a vigilant sentry.
  4. Within the infinite shadows, he beheld the squirming masses of formless entities.
  5. A colossal and formless something was rushing across the field of his vision.
  6. However vague some of his figures may seem, however formless the shadows, to him the outline is as clear and distinct as that of a geometrical diagram.
  7. And now Gudrun wanted him to call one forth, pull it through the Veil and let the formless, hostile entity into him.