English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "mai girma" yana ƙarfafa tsoro ko girmamawa ta wurin zama mai ban sha'awa, babba, mai tsanani, ko iyawa. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga wani abu mai wuyar sha'ani ko shawo kan shi, ko wani ko wani abu da ya kware sosai ko ya cika.

Sentence Examples

  1. England was wealthy in wood and textiles, its ports and shipyards produced both formidable warships and merchantmen and the temperate climate and fertile fields husbanded high yields of wheat and barley.
  2. La Corona shares with its sisters of Los Helechos, a formidable if spent power, its barren form tempered only by the euphorbias and lichens clinging to its sides.
  3. King Markazon was a formidable man, used to absolute rule.
  4. Nothing occurred during the night to disturb the slumberers, although occasional growls from panthers and chatterings of monkeys broke the silence the more formidable beasts made no cries or hostile demonstration against the occupants of the bungalow.
  5. It was in the section included between this range and the Rocky Mountains that the American engineers found the most formidable difficulties in laying the road, and that the government granted a subsidy of forty-eight thousand dollars per mile, instead of sixteen thousand allowed for the work done on the plains.
  6. But, as he approached them, his project, which at first had seemed so simple, began to grow more and more formidable to his mind.
  7. And all of us that know her are waiting to see what her pride will come to, and who is to be the happy man that will succeed in taming a nature so formidable and gaining possession of a beauty so supreme.
  8. They were all merely pieces of the whole, minutiae of one of the most complex, formidable men on the planet.
  9. Her fighting skills could use some polish, but he had a hearty respect for her stealth skills, which, as she had pointed out, were far more formidable than his own.
  10. He eyed the kids, at their set expressions and their formidable weapons, and almost gasped at some of the young faces.