English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ka'ida" ita ce kiyaye ƙa'idodi ko ƙa'idodi, musamman a cikin tsari na yau da kullun ko kuma a wani lokaci. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga buƙatu ko sharadi wanda aka ƙulla don dalilai na doka ko na hukuma, sau da yawa a matsayin al'amari na tsari maimakon abu. Bugu da ƙari, ƙa'ida na iya nufin wani abu da aka yi ta hanyar da aka saba, tare da mahimmanci ko adon, sabanin zama na yau da kullun ko na yau da kullun.

Sentence Examples

  1. What of the mode of service in which etiquette was replaced by order stiff formality by personal, unrestrained comfort the happiness and contentment of the guest became the supreme law of all who obeyed the host?
  2. The singularity of this step, and above all its formality, had not a little surprised the banker, who had immediately obeyed his daughter by repairing first to the drawing-room.
  3. The aloofness and formality that attached to Tarkyn in his role as imposed liege lord had disappeared.
  4. As one who was used to constant formality, he was surprised at how quickly he had come to look forward to their friendliness.
  5. Leo and Tom walked out and reached the elevator without a single formality.