English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "forklift" babbar motar masana'antu ce mai ƙarfi wacce ke da fiffike biyu a gaba da ake amfani da ita don ɗagawa da ɗaukar kaya masu nauyi. Za a iya ɗagawa ko saukar da maƙallan, wanda kuma ake kira cokali mai yatsu, don ɗaga kaya kuma a motsa shi a kwance. Ana yawan amfani da forklifts a cikin ɗakunan ajiya, masana'antu, da wuraren gine-gine don motsi da kayan aiki masu nauyi.

Sentence Examples

  1. There is some drama when the forklift gets stuck in the up position, but I leave that for the crew to handle while I run back to the parsonage.
  2. Then Chu, the forklift driver, comes in and carts the bins away.
  3. Then the Mexican driving the forklift, Junior, worked like a maniac.
  4. Walker has a bucket of paint on a pallet on the forklift, machine beside it, hose and spinner inside the paint can opening.
  5. The furnishings were all stone not marble, just some white stone that looked as if a forklift would be needed to move it.
  6. He vaulted over the forks of a forklift and sprinted for the street.
  7. All you had to do was load up the cart, push it out into the aisle and the forklift driver would shove the fork under it, lift the cart an inch or two off the floor, and read off the digits on his scale inside the cab.