English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "har abada" ita ce: na dukan lokaci na gaba; don kullum; dawwama ko ci gaba ba tare da ƙarewa ba.


  1. eternally
  2. everlastingly
  3. evermore

Sentence Examples

  1. His body gave out and he fell to his knees, breath seemed to have left him forever.
  2. Dinner stretches on forever, painfully so, while Holly drones on about the advantages of drought-tolerant Knock-Out roses and Irene, again, has issues with the food.
  3. I wanted to jump on a plane and be with him forever, but it felt like insanity.
  4. The boy choked for a few seconds into the mauling, before falling silent, forever.
  5. At first, she thought it was a bottomless pit that went on forever.
  6. It seemed like forever until I made it to the door, which TB had proped open with one of our waterlogged chairs.
  7. Almost every corridor had statues and Realmers were forever jumping when one of them moved unexpectedly.
  8. They were both of them gone forever, and no amount of wistful thinking of them being with their Lord would ever lessen the pain of the loss.
  9. Her father would see to it that every guard in the enclave was on the lookout for her, and her one means of escape would be cut off forever.
  10. The trees waved at us with their new green leaves while the mountain vista rolled on forever.