English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "mabiya" shine mutumin da yake goyon baya da kuma sha'awar wani mutum, ƙungiya, ko tsarin ra'ayi, ko wanda yake biyan kuɗi kuma yana karantawa, kallo, ko sauraron wani mutum, rukuni, ko buguwa a kafafen sada zumunta ko wasu dandali na kan layi. A cikin mahallin kafofin watsa labarun, mabiyi shine wanda ya zaɓa don ganin sabuntawa da sakonnin da wani mai amfani ko asusu ya yi. Kalmar ‘mabiya’ kuma tana iya nufin mutum ko abin da ke zuwa bayan wani a jere ko silsilar, ko kuma wanda ya kwaikwayi ko kwafi hali ko ayyukan wani.

Sentence Examples

  1. And yes, he professed to be a faithful follower of the sect every time he went to mass.
  2. Fewer still would believe he was a Bretan follower, a devout follower, working in the service of a reclusive warrior-wizard Bretan monk.
  3. Or one of their followers a god follower not a freak follower.
  4. I, oh sir, am a follower of the exalted Gotama, the Buddha, the Sakyamuni, and have been on a pilgrimage together with several of us on this path, when I saw you lying and sleeping in a place where it is dangerous to sleep.
  5. Lach was a devout follower of the god, ever aware of the favor Cearus had shown him by gifting him with such considerable Adept abilities.
  6. Once, even a follower of Buddha, travelling on foot, has been my teacher he sat with me when I had fallen asleep in the forest, on the pilgrimage.
  7. Jesus was a follower of the light, like many others.
  8. Luke was a rule follower, or at least I always thought he was.