English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tasowa" shine aiki ko tsari na motsi ta cikin iska ta hanyar amfani da fuka-fuki ko wani nau'i na motsa jiki, ko kuma iya tafiya ta cikin iska. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga aikin tuƙi ko sarrafa jirgin sama, ko kuma iya tashi. A matsayin sifa, “tashi” na iya kwatanta wani abu da ke cikin iska ko mai iya tashi, ko kuma wani abu da yake tafiya ko kuma da sauri.


  1. flight

Sentence Examples

  1. A much bigger creature lumbered out of the alleyway, tusks bared and spittle flying madly.
  2. Carl and Aric were also dodging attacks from the second beast, which was in an even more rabid state than this one, drool hanging from its curved teeth, spittle flying.
  3. I pulled on magic and used its force to drive me, and the wrenching motion sent me flying backwards.
  4. He reared up and lashed out, and Ellen was sent flying across the hall.
  5. The boy went flying, over to the other side of the room, and hit the wall with a crack.
  6. Swearing, I threw the tire iron as the beast raised its giant scaly head, striking it in the mouth and knocking several teeth flying in a spray of blood.
  7. Another knife came flying out of the shadows, past me, and struck Nell in the shoulder.
  8. Even more so with all the level two shots flying around the Passages then.
  9. Nell kicked a dreyvern flying, and it got up, its natural armour having absorbed most of the blow.
  10. The device burst in a shower of bright, purplish sparks and sent both of us flying back.

TV Series Examples



These men, were they flying a sigil?