English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "flush" tana da ma'anoni daban-daban, dangane da mahallin. Anan ga wasu ma'anar ƙamus na gama gari:(fi'ili) don sa ruwa ya gudana cikin sauri da ƙarfi a cikin wata hanya ta musamman, ta hanyar zubo ko danna maballi. ol>Misali: "Ya wanke bayan gida ya wanke hannunsa."(fi'ili) ya zama ja a fuska da/ko wuyansa, sau da yawa saboda embarrassment, anger, or exertion.Misali: "Ta yi fushi sa'ad da ta ji labarin."(adjective) matakin gaba ɗaya ko ma da saman ƙasa, ta yadda ba za a sami ƙwararru ko ɓarna ba. 4">(lalafiya) kai tsaye da kuma daidai; a madaidaiciyar layi ko ma da sama.Misali: "Ya buga kwallon da kyar da fuskar kulob."( noun) jajayen fuska da/ko wuya, sau da yawa ana haifar da kunya ko aiki. start="6">(noun) kwatsam guguwar ruwa ko ruwa, musamman ma igiyar ruwa ko hawan jini. ya wuce a kan radiyo."


  1. blush

Sentence Examples

  1. I could already feel the flush of heat crossing my body.
  2. His cheques were regularly paid at sight from his account current, which was always flush.
  3. Peter motioned with his head for the two men to take up positions on either side of the door, flush against the wall.
  4. He was so flush with desire he felt he might combust.
  5. The light flush on her cheeks was endearing and so unlike the normal façade she presented to the world.
  6. Jaime pushed through, his face flush with anger and bitterness.
  7. He was about to move on when he noticed a door on the inside swing open and he heard the sound of a toilet flush.
  8. That small comfort made way to a much larger concern as I felt a terrible flush begin to overcome me.
  9. I flush down the Tylenol with water Spidey gave me and close my eyes for a few moments of peace, which freaks Winnie out even more.
  10. Her hands continued their exploration of his back, making his skin flush.