English to hausa meaning of

A cewar ƙamus, kalmar “juya” na iya samun ma’anoni da dama, ciki har da:Fi’ili: Don sa wani abu ya juyo da sauri ko kuma ba zato ba tsammani tare da motsi mai kaifi. Misali: Ya jujjuya pancake a cikin iska don ya dafa wancan gefen. Misali: Ta juya kuri'arta kan shawarar bayan ta ji karin bayani. Misali: Ya zazzage shafukan littafin don nemo babin da yake nema. Misali: Ta juya masa baya da dabara mai wayo. Misali: tsabar kudin ta sauka bisa kawunansu tare da juyewa. Misali: Ya yi juzu'i biyu akan trampoline. Misali: Ta kasance tana sanye da kayan kwalliya zuwa wurin bikin. zuwa ingantaccen ƙamus don ingantattun ma'anoni.

Sentence Examples

  1. With exaggerated care, he turned the stiff pages of the volume, negating a fierce desire to flip them over at speed to reach the page he sought.
  2. I could flip through their memories, searching for something specific, rather than being helpless and only seeing whatever popped up.
  3. His wavy black hair flopped over his blue eyes, and her heart did a flip, sticking the landing.
  4. Walking to his side, I flip the chair over roughly, then step on his neck, putting enough pressure to choke him until his eyes bulge and redden.
  5. Try as he might to hurt himself, Lance landed every jump clean, retrieved his board perfectly after every flip, after every crazy-ass trick, and within an hour of nonstop skating had pounded his mountain of anger and guilt into a smaller, more manageable size.
  6. He began to flip through its contents in a flurry of activity.
  7. Drew careened around a turn so fast that I thought the vehicle was going to flip.
  8. With the bottoms clean, she headed toward the back porch, where she pulled the boots off and slipped into a pair of flip flops.
  9. When I return, I flip through the photos until the ones at the lake appear.
  10. When I finally get inside and flip on the light, my new home greets me for what it is, a tiny efficiency lacking everything from curtains and bedspread to artwork on the walls.