English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "lalata" ita ce yabo ko yabo ga wani fiye da kima ko rashin gaskiya, sau da yawa don amfanin kansa ko samun tagomashi. Hakanan yana iya nufin ƙoƙarin faranta wa mutum rai ta hanyar faɗin abubuwan da ba gaskiya ba ne ko na gaske, ko kuma a sa wani abu ya zama abin sha'awa ko sha'awa fiye da yadda yake a zahiri.


  1. blandish

Sentence Examples

  1. She could not flatter herself with any idea of blindness in his attachment to her.
  2. But I do flatter myself, my dear Jane, that my influence is not entirely worn out.
  3. As we drove into South Africa, the land became flatter, and we passed miles and miles of rolling brown grass fields mixed with timber plantations.
  4. The steep climb gave way to flatter travel at the top of the mountain.
  5. I prefer taking the fast route to Tabayesco on the flatter, wider roads of the coastal plain.
  6. LOI LAUGHED WHEN ANOTHER ADMIRER attempted to flatter her.
  7. Let him who has been deceived complain, let him give way to despair whose encouraged hopes have proved vain, let him flatter himself whom I shall entice, let him boast whom I shall receive but let not him call me cruel or homicide to whom I make no promise, upon whom I practise no deception, whom I neither entice nor receive.
  8. It was like the land had shrunk, gone flatter, and a huge surge of water was now an invading army.
  9. He tries this on very much with me, but I flatter myself he has got a tough nut to crack.
  10. She must not flatter herself that he thought of her dancing, but if he were criticising her behaviour, she did not feel afraid.