English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "flaring" ita ce ƙonewa da harshen wuta kwatsam, don haskakawa ko haskakawa, ko yadawa a waje a cikin siffar da ke da girma. Hakanan yana iya nufin wani abu mai faɗi da buɗewa, kamar walƙiya na siket ko hararar hanci. Bugu da ƙari, "flaring" na iya nufin fashewa kwatsam da tashin hankali, kamar yadda yake cikin "haushin fushi."


  1. aflare

Sentence Examples

  1. Gerald sneered, his nose flaring at the excitement.
  2. Actually, he practically snarled the words, nostrils flaring in dislike.
  3. They eyed me like I was a tasty treat, nostrils flaring and dark eyes gleaming.
  4. It came from his spine, flaring out to grip the muscles of his chest and neck.
  5. He had what Olivia thought of as a snooty-type nose, long and flaring at the end into a soft wide V, the nostrils forming a pair of butterfly wings.
  6. The tattoos of dragons had been an ironic gesture to his mission, the Satyr had stated with a grin, his eyes flaring in delight.
  7. It hit another rock and a spark flashed in the darkness, flaring to a green flame and creating an explosion that reverberated in the narrow chamber.
  8. The knuckles smacked against the floor, forearm muscles flaring.
  9. It roared and leapt in the air, its body flaring out into a web of flailing tendrils.
  10. Shock surged through me, and this time I ran for real, coat flaring behind me.