English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "banki" a matsayin suna ita ce gefen jikin mutum ko dabba tsakanin hakarkarinsa da kugu. A matsayin fi’ili, yana nufin a sanya shi a gefen wani ko wani abu, musamman a fagen soja, ko kuma kai hari daga gefe.

Sentence Examples

  1. The following throng went whirling around the flank.
  2. He watched the tree line, guarding against a flank attack.
  3. As Reyna adjusted the bows and quivers of several archers, Enrique and Luis popped up to flank her.
  4. He, of course, would carry Excalibur, and other swordsmen, Lance included, would flank him to add a greater sense of strength to his presence.
  5. Shade was pushing the inexperienced horse as hard as she could, until an arrow caught the horse in the flank.
  6. If to this be added the fact that, in consequence of the ex parte application of the spur, one side of the mare appeared to journey faster than the other and that the aggrieved flank was resolutely indicated by unremitted flourishes of a bushy tail, we finish the picture of both horse and man.
  7. Rows of canary palms flank the road for a stretch.
  8. After everyone is in place, Reyna, Jack, and Enrique shall also flank me for our meeting.
  9. One among them, he also was an Indian, moved a little on one flank, and watched the margin of the woods, with eyes long accustomed to read the smallest sign of danger.
  10. A warrior rather crawled than walked on each flank so as to catch occasional glimpses into the forest and every few minutes the band came to a halt, and listened for hostile sounds, with an acuteness of organs that would be scarcely conceivable to a man in a less natural state.