English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "gyara" ita ce:Aiki ko tsari na daidaitawa ko manne da wani abu ko wani. Yanayin gyarawa. or obsessed with someone or something.An unhealthy preoccupation with a particular person, idea, or something. na'ura don inganta warkarwa. In psychoanalysis, an obsessive attachment to a thing or person that persists koda lokacin da bai dace ba ko kuma amfani.

Sentence Examples

  1. Worse, he is developing a fixation and conflating working with working on it.
  2. Yet here he was, fulfilling his fixation on where guardian Danil had gone.
  3. Unlike our modern fixation with speed and connection, they understood a link we have been struggling to hold onto.