English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "wuta" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da ita. Ga wasu ma’anoni gama gari: Konewa ko konewa, samar da zafi, haske, da yawan hayaki da harshen wuta. . Mai saurin fashewar motsin rai ko aiki, irin su sha'awa ko fushi. . Yin amfani da bindigogi, kamar yaƙi ko farauta. ko ayyuka, kamar su "firing up" inji ko "firing off" email.Waɗannan su ne kaɗan daga cikin ma'anoni masu yawa na kalmar "wuta." >

Sentence Examples

  1. Would I fire pure magic into a human being, knowing what it would do to them?
  2. Exactly what I needed, another reason to put myself in the line of fire with the sheriff.
  3. I had a brief glimpse of terrified faces peering from windows of the occupied houses as I readied myself to fire another shot with the stunner.
  4. Lok laughed like a lunatic, balls of purple fire appearing in his hands.
  5. The creature roared as the fire blasted into him, throwing him back to land in a sprawl of spidery limbs.
  6. She watched Lok taunt the werebull, throwing fire at his feet.
  7. The knife came down, drawing a line of fire on my arm.
  8. A fire damaged the first floor in the late 1960s during a Vietnam War protest that had gone off the deep end.
  9. The Board of Trustees was too worried about potential lawsuits if we tried to fire her.
  10. The twin balls of fire were rising above the forest, their light staining the treetops.

TV Series Examples



and set the Riverland on fire



Fire cannot kill a dragon.



Certainly. And keep a fire burning



consumed by dreams of fire and blood...



No fire games, no knife games.



..whose fire forged