English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ƙare" ita ce kammala ko ta zo ƙarshen wani aiki, aiki, ko tsari. Hakanan yana iya nufin cewa wani abu ya kai matsayi na ƙarshe ko yanayi, yana nuna cewa ya cika kuma ba a buƙatar ƙarin aiki ko canje-canje. Bugu da ƙari, ana iya amfani da "ƙare" don kwatanta ƙwararrun ƙwarewa ko ingantaccen inganci ko bayyanar a cikin wani abu.

Sentence Examples

  1. After they finished laughing, my sister explained Maggie had stopped by the diner earlier that week to grab a bite to eat.
  2. Then I struggled with my former mother-in-law to defend my position on why Emma needed to be with me until I finished my temporary teaching assignment.
  3. Jordan finished his workout, then went to the locker room by five fifteen to shower and change.
  4. I would call her back as soon as I finished with Carla.
  5. By the time they finished telling me about the new diner, I had to return to campus to teach my last class before the big announcement about the new president.
  6. Siobhan had taken the papers home with her to get the work finished on the weekend while the babies were sleeping.
  7. I finished teaching my first broadcasting course in the morning.
  8. The first one showed up on time and finished the pop quiz in less than twenty minutes.
  9. Jordan finished the quiz and exited in a rush without asking to know the results.
  10. If they finished early, they were free to leave but had to turn in their overviews of an upcoming term paper due in two weeks, or they could stick around to write it during the remaining lecture time.

TV Series Examples



Together we finished off three chickens