English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "nemo" shine ƙarshe ko yanke shawara da aka cimma bayan an yi nazari na tsanaki ko bincike na gaskiya. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga ganowa ko abin lura da aka yi yayin irin wannan bincike ko bincike. Bugu da ƙari, ana iya amfani da "nemo" don bayyana wani yanki na bayanai ko shaida da aka gano sakamakon bincike ko bincike. A cikin mahallin shari'a, "nema" yana nufin yanke shawara da kotu ko alkalai suka yanke bisa ga shaidar da aka gabatar a cikin shari'a.


  1. determination

Sentence Examples

  1. I have no trouble finding my car this time and speed back to Lafayette while gulping coffee to keep me awake.
  2. Nana D had well trained her It was then I realized why Nana D was so willing to drop the conversation at the baseball game about finding Bridget at the tailgate party.
  3. That used to work, but that evening, all I could think of was finding him in the next room with his editor.
  4. Later he would comb his memory and retrieve as many details as possible, but at the moment he was finding the building too full of bustle and confusion.
  5. The drama of finding a dead body was causing everyone to be irritable and short-tempered.
  6. When I arrived at her street, I made a right and ambled past the first few houses before finally finding one with a number.
  7. A British civil servant went broke when barely into the renovations of a former gofio mill and was finding the building impossible to sell.
  8. Finding him in an affectionate mood, I pick him up and nuzzle his fur.
  9. I tuned them all out, concentrating on finding a way I could escape.
  10. She held him like that as he worked his fingers through her hair, finding the pins and pulling them out, releasing her hair section by section.

TV Series Examples



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