English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "mai tsanani" ita ce samun ko nuna tashin hankali ko tsananin tashin hankali, ƙarfi ko daji a zahiri ko yanayi, yana nuna ƙarfin zuciya da ƙarfi, ko mai tsanani ko tsauri.


  1. cutthroat
  2. bowelless

Sentence Examples

  1. At the fifty-fifth, a loud cry was heard in the street, followed by applause, hurrahs, and some fierce growls.
  2. The pain was fierce and nauseating, but it worked.
  3. They faced a Master on a podium in the middle of the amphitheatre, giving a fierce speech.
  4. Only, rather than being terrified, I found myself captivated by his fierce beauty.
  5. He directed his fierce glare on Jed as he struggled to his feet.
  6. The cobalt demon blazed into a fierce inferno, and in seconds turned to ash, only the stench of burned flesh giving sign it had ever existed.
  7. Kayla threw it on the floor and turned to him with a look of fierce determination.
  8. Her perfectly straight hair was both silver and gold and her eyes were a fierce blue-green.
  9. We find it difficult to love our enemies and turn the other cheek as Jesus directed and our judgment is most fierce when applied to ourselves.
  10. Too late he attempted to pull from the hold, but all he could do was struggle against the fierce restraining grip.

TV Series Examples



See how fierce she grows?



lean and fierce and black-bearded,