English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "fiction" wani nau'in adabi ne wanda ya ƙunshi ayyukan ƙididdiga na ƙididdiga, ciki har da litattafai, gajerun labarai, da novels. Fiction yawanci ya ƙunshi ƙirƙirar labari ko duniyar da ba ta dogara akan gaskiya ko abubuwan da suka faru na gaskiya ba, a'a, samfuri ne na tunanin marubucin. Ayyukan almara sukan bincika jigogi da ra'ayoyin da suka dace da ƙwarewar ɗan adam, kuma suna iya zama masu nishadantarwa, tada hankali, ko duka biyun. Kalmar “fiction” kuma tana iya nufin wani abu marar gaskiya ko ƙirƙira, kamar yadda a cikin jumlar “aiki na almara.”

Sentence Examples

  1. At present, a boy named Tony and a girl named Maria struggled to read aloud some passages from the Shakespeare play, mangling the dialogue worse than any actor on those cheesy science fiction movies she sometimes watched to kill time.
  2. Indeed, however rich the imagination displayed in this ingenious fiction, it wanted much of the force which might have been given it by a more scrupulous attention to facts and to general analogy.
  3. Elements of her extraordinary life have a habit of finding their way into her fiction, providing her with a ready supply of inspiration.
  4. Crime fiction fans are sticklers for that sort of accuracy.
  5. Any references to historical events to real people, living or dead or to real locales are intended only to give the fiction a sense of reality and authenticity.
  6. Fiction and historical pieces were great for killing hours, but my favorite by far were survival manuals and instructional booklets.
  7. The whole thing felt like a science fiction novel.
  8. Any references to real people, events, establishments, organizations, or locales are intended only to give the fiction a sense of reality and are used fictitiously.
  9. My current focus is family drama fiction, cozy mystery novels and suspense thrillers.
  10. I have attempted to offer a fair and balanced portrait of corruption on Lanzarote within the very tight confines of fiction, offering a variety of perspectives.