English to hausa meaning of

A cewar ƙamus, kalmar “biki” suna ne kuma tana iya samun ma’anoni kamar haka:Wakili ko taron na musamman, wanda aka saba yi da farin ciki, da sha’awa, da kuma sha’awa. bukukuwan jama'a, kamar taron addini, al'adu, ko zamantakewa. Yana iya haɗawa da wasan kwaikwayo, bukukuwa, wasanni, liyafa, da sauran nau'ikan nishaɗi. Misalin jumla: Bikin Diwali na shekara-shekara na birnin yana jan hankalin dubban maziyarta daga ko'ina cikin duniya. lokaci, kamar bikin kiɗa, bikin fim, ko bikin abinci. Misalin jumla: Bikin fina-finai na Cannes na ɗaya daga cikin manyan bukukuwan fina-finai masu daraja a duniya. Misalin jumla: Kirsimati biki ne da ake yin ko'ina a ƙasashe da yawa na duniya. bikin fitilu. Misalin jumla: Bikin Holi a Indiya an san shi da bikin launuka, inda mutane ke jifan junan su a cikin biki.

Sentence Examples

  1. Announcing his intention to the bachelor, he asked his advice as to the quarter in which he ought to commence his expedition, and the bachelor replied that in his opinion he ought to go to the kingdom of Aragon, and the city of Saragossa, where there were to be certain solemn joustings at the festival of St.
  2. The great dining hall was rarely used only on Festival days and to entertain visiting heads of state.
  3. The first warm spring day had lured everyone into the streets where Dokkalfar women were busy decorating Lorlenalin in the festival colors of Austramonath.
  4. Thou whose injustice hath supplied the cause That makes me quit the weary life I loathe, As by this wounded bosom thou canst see How willingly thy victim I become, Let not my death, if haply worth a tear, Cloud the clear heaven that dwells in thy bright eyes I would not have thee expiate in aught The crime of having made my heart thy prey But rather let thy laughter gaily ring And prove my death to be thy festival.
  5. At length, after a good deal more conversation had passed between them, they remounted their beasts, and followed the road to Saragossa, which they expected to reach in time to take part in a certain grand festival which is held every year in that illustrious city but before they got there things happened to them, so many, so important, and so strange, that they deserve to be recorded and read, as will be seen farther on.
  6. But the moment Sancho quitted his beast to go and help Don Quixote, the dancing devil with the bladders jumped up on Dapple, and beating him with them, more by the fright and the noise than by the pain of the blows, made him fly across the fields towards the village where they were going to hold their festival.
  7. In silence, she made her way through the labyrinth of corridors, up several sets of stairs, and as far around the Great Hall and festival as possible.
  8. I believe all your subjects are enjoying the Harvest Festival.
  9. The encamisados were all timid folk and unarmed, so they speedily made their escape from the fray and set off at a run across the plain with their lighted torches, looking exactly like maskers running on some gala or festival night.
  10. Soon afterwards Luscinda came out from an antechamber, attended by her mother and two of her damsels, arrayed and adorned as became her rank and beauty, and in full festival and ceremonial attire.